Facts and Fiction of the COVID-19 vaccine Facebook Live Event
Now that we’ve hosted more than half a dozen vaccine clinics, we invite you to please join our clinical and operational leaders Thursday, January 14th at 10:30am MT for a Facebook Live discussion about the latest regarding the Facts and Fiction of the COVID-19 vaccine. We will have our Medical Director, Dr. Erick Gomer, our Vice President of Clinical and Compliance, Pat Mc Bride, RN, and CLC-Cappella’s President and CEO Jill Vitale-Aussem sharing the latest information and taking your questions live. You will also hear from one of our first residents to receive the vaccine and their experience.
Now that we’ve hosted more than half a dozen vaccine clinics, we invite you to please join our clinical and operational leaders Thursday, January 14th at 10:30am MT for a Facebook Live discussion about the latest regarding the Facts and Fiction of the COVID-19 vaccine. We will have our Medical Director, Dr. Erick Gomer, our Vice President of Clinical and Compliance, Pat Mc Bride, RN, and CLC-Cappella’s President and CEO Jill Vitale-Aussem sharing the latest information and taking your questions live. You will also hear from one of our first residents to receive the vaccine and their experience.
To access the Facebook Live event like this page https://www.facebook.com/ChristianLivingCommunities and visit the page on January 14th at 10:30 am MT.
We are also hosting a Retreat at Sunny Vista Virtual Event.
Our Virtual Event
The Vaccine Experience:
A Resident’s Perspective Presenters: Chris Pogar, Jan McMillan, Maria Coyle Date and Time of Event: 1/28/2020 6pm MT Zoom link: https://asu.zoom.us/j/81746396452 Audience: Prospects, Professionals, Families Overview: Educating prospects, families and professionals about the vaccine experience from our residents’ POV, Q&A with them on their thoughts, process details, and wishes |